About Ken
Ken is 70 years old. He worked at the shipyard all his adult life, up until retiring 10 years ago. Ken was looking forward to an active retirement. He and his wife Ann enjoyed socialising with friends and travelling. Ken was also looking forward to fishing more regularly. For the first few years their retirement went to plan but then Ann started showing symptoms of Alzheimer's Disease and was diagnosed six years ago.

Case Study: Adult Carer Ken
Progression of Alzheimer's
At first this didn’t impact too much on their lives other than Ann needing reminders with certain tasks. However, as the Alzheimer's Disease progressed, Ann needed more and more help with daily living tasks. She became distressed when she had been out for a while, so Ken would need to take her home. Eventually she didn’t like going out at all so Ken went out on his own while a friend sat with Ann. However, he knew that Ann didn’t like being away from him, so he would only do what was necessary and then go straight home.
Impact on Ken's health
As Ann’s illness progressed, her friend didn’t like being on her own with her, so she did Ken’s shopping and Ken stopped going out. Their friends visited less and less, and Ken lost touch with his fishing friends and became more and more isolated.
He said he didn’t mind as he loved Ann and married her 'in sickness and in health' so he would carry on looking after her as long as he could. Ken now has his own health concerns, he is looking very tired and his time is totally focused on caring for Ann.
Making a GP appointment
Ken knows he needs to go to the doctor’s but he can’t leave Ann and doesn’t know how long he will have to wait at the surgery. So he keeps putting off making an appointment.
Following the contact with the local Carer Support Organisation, Ken has had a Carer's Needs Assessment. The Support Worker has listened to Ken and recognises the impact that caring is having on his life. He is isolated, has lost touch with his friends, and his life is totally focused on his caring role. He has health concerns that he is neglecting and was tearful and emotional throughout the assessment.
Adult CarersAdult Carers care for other adults over the age of 18. This includes adults caring for their adult children.
Young CarersYoung Carers are children and young people between the ages of 5 and 18 who provide regular and on-going care and/or emotional support to a family member who is physically or mentally ill, disabled or has an addiction.
Parent CarersParent Carers are those caring for a disabled child or young person under the age of 18. Parents will often see themselves primarily as parents, however their child will have additional care needs and may be entitled to additional services.
Working CarersWorking Carers are people in full or part-time employment, who also provide care for another person. Supporting Carers to remain in work can bring considerable benefits to Carers themselves, employers and the wider economy.
Sandwich CarersSandwich Carers have more than one caring responsibility; for example, Carers could be caring for two family members, such as an elderly relative and a dependent child or a spouse (Carers UK 2012).