Adult Carers Emergency Card FAQs
Read our Frequently Asked Questions
Who will take my place in an emergency?
You create your own Emergency Plan and nominate one or two people who would be willing to take your place in an emergency. It is your responsibility to ensure that the people you name are happy to help out if an emergency happens.
Once the Response Centre has been notified about your emergency they will contact the people you have nominated to take your place.
What if I cannot find anyone to take my place?
If you are not able to find anyone willing to take your place in an emergency or if they are not available when they are needed the Response Centre will automatically contact the local Adult Social Care office who will find appropriate care. Please note that this may be in a residential care home if the person you care has considerable care needs.
How much does it cost?
The card is FREE of charge as is the support to develop your Emergency Plan.
If Adult Social Care provide any care within the home in the first 72 hours this will also be provided free of charge. However PLEASE NOTE that if care from Adult Social Care continues after this initial 72 hour period this will be subject to the usual assessed charges and may not therefore be free.
How do I apply for a Carers Emergency Card?
Contact us and we will arrange for one of our Carers Support Workers to come and discuss the scheme and help to develop your Emergency Plan.
Who can have an Emergency Card?
This scheme is currently only available to adult carers who care for someone over the age of 18.
What happens if any details of my plan change or if my caring circumstances change?
If you move house, change your telephone number etc. or if one of the people you have nominated to take your place in an emergency change their details or are no longer available to help you must notify Carer Support West Cumbria as soon as possible.
You must also contact us as soon as possible if the person you are caring for goes in to long term care or passes away.