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Volunteer Application Form

In order for us to process your volunteer application we will need to put your contact and basic details onto our database.  Due to the new General Data Protection Regulations 2018, we need to make you aware of this and ask for your permission to do this. We also need to let you know that you can contact Carer Support West Cumbria at any time and request to opt out of contact with us and ask for your details to be removed from our database.​

Volunteer Application Form

Please answer the below question.
If yes, please complete the application form.

If not, unfortunately, we will not be able to proceed with the application.

You can read our Privacy Notice here.

Do you consent to our processing of your personal data and the information you provide on this referral form as stated in the Privacy Notice?
Part 1 - Your Details
Part 2 - Your Background

Please tell us about any voluntary or paid work you have done.  This can include helping an organisation or an individual on an informal basis.

Part 3 - Other Information

Please use this space to tell us any information you would like to share about yourself, your hobbies, why you would like to volunteer and what you hope to gain from volunteering with our organisation.

Part 4 - References

Please provide the information of two people who can provide you with a reference. These can be previous employers / work colleagues or friends, but referees cannot be family members.

Equal Opportunities Section

This section will be separated from the application form on receipt and used for monitoring purposes only.

It will not form part of the interview and selection process.

Carer Support West Cumbria is committed to equality of opportunity and to ensuring that all staff are appointed on the basis of merit, regardless of ethnic origin, gender, disability, racial identity, age or caring responsibilities. In order to help us to ensure this policy is adhered to, please supply the following information.

Please tick boxes as appropriate.

Age Range:
Would you describe yourself as having a disability?
Do you have caring responsibilities? If yes tick all that apply:

How would you describe your ethnicity?

Asian or Asian British:
Mixed/multiple ethnic groups:
Black/African/Caribbean/Black British:
Other ethnic group:

Please be reassured that all your details will be treated with strict confidence and we thank you for sharing this information with us.

Thank you for completing this Volunteer Application form.
Please read the below information to understand what happens next. 

What Happens Next

  • Upon receipt of your application, the Volunteer Co-ordinator will contact you to arrange an informal chat about how you would like to volunteer for us and the training and support provided to you.

  • We will arrange the necessary checks (DBS) if required for the role and request references.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this form for us, we appreciate this is a lengthy process before you can begin volunteering but as some of the people we work with are vulnerable, these procedures are necessary.  Please be reassured all your details will be treated with strict confidence and we thank you for sharing this information with us.

Please note if you are unsuccessful on this occasion your application form will be kept on file for 3 months.  It will then be destroyed in compliance with the Data Protection Act.  Carer Support West Cumbria is registered under the Data Protection Act 1998

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