Carers Week 2022 is taking place from Monday 6th to Sunday 12th June and aims to make caring Visible, Valued and Supported.
We believe that all individuals and organisations should recognise unpaid carers and the amazing job that they do. Caring should be valued and respected by everyone in our society, and carers should have access to the information and support they need, where and when they need it.
We will be holding three drop-in events during carers week which, as well as offering some delicious cakes, will give unpaid carers the chance to take a break, meet other carers and catch up with some of our Support Workers.
These events will also be open to the public so if you just want to find out more about the role of unpaid carer, or the support that is available, then please pop in for a cuppa and a chat.

Monday 6th June, 10:30am to 12.30pm at The Foyer, Irish Street, Whitehaven
Wednesday 8th June, 10:30am to 12.30pm at United Reformed Church, Main Street, Cockermouth
Friday 10th June, 2.00 to 4.00pm at Millom Baptist Church, Crown Street
Where to find support
Your local carers' organisation offers a range of services, such as:
Support to complete benefit paperwork.
Referrals to other services such as the DWP home visiting team and Adult Social Care.
A carer’s assessment to identify which services will help each individual caring role such as grants and funding, carer’s breaks and occupational therapy.
Volunteer services, including drivers, sitters and counsellors.
1:1 support from a support worker, either over the phone or face to face.
Connecting to other carers - we have a range of regular opportunities for carers to get together such as our cake and cuppa events above and our regular online relaxation sessions.
There are also some wonderful information sources online to point you in the direction of available support, below are some useful links:
Download the Carers UK Looking After Someone guide 2022-23, or order a paper copy at
Carers UK
Carers Trust
Citizens Advice Allerdale
Citizens Advice Copeland
Department for Work & Pensions

What is Carers Week?
Carers Week is an annual campaign to raise awareness of caring, highlight the challenges unpaid carers face and recognise the contribution they make to families and communities throughout the UK. It also helps people who don't think of themselves as having caring responsibilities to identify as carers and access much-needed support.
The campaign is brought to life by thousands of individuals and organisations who come together to provide support for carers, run activities, highlight the vital role carers play in our communities and draw attention to just how important caring is.