It’s Carers Week again – time to highlight and celebrate the invaluable contribution carers make!
Raising awareness means that politicians, employers and people throughout the community will better recognise the challenges unpaid carers face and help them access the support they deserve.
We are holding a number of events over the next couple of weeks to help keep carers informed and supported.
Would you benefit from OT and ROVI support?
On Tuesday 11th June, we will be holding a session for unpaid carers led by an OT and ROVI from Cumberland Adult Social Care. This will be a fantastic opportunity to find out what support they provide to help you with your caring role. Find out more about:
Falls and fall prevention
Safely moving and handling the person you care for
The role of an Occupational Therapist (OT)
The role of Rehabilitation Officer for the Visually Impaired (ROVI)
The session will take place at our offices in Cockermouth, 1pm to 3pm, and will include drinks and snacks!
Soothing Sounds
On Wednesday 12th June we are holding a FREE Soundbath for unpaid carers. This beautiful session is designed to relax and restore as well as providing a break from caring.
Teatime treat
The celebrations will continue into the following week with a series of delicious Afternoon Teas. We will be at:
The Carnegie Cafe, Workington on Tuesday 18th June at 1pm
Rooftop Café, Dixons, Whitehaven on Thursday 20th June at 1pm
Trackside, Millom on Friday 21st June at 1pm
We are able to offer this tasty treat to carers registered with us at a subsidised cost of only £5.
If you would like to know more about getting support with a caring role, contact or call 01900 821976 during office hours.