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Taking Action on Isolation – YCAD 2022

Wednesday 16th March is Young Carers Action Day and the theme this year is “Taking Action on Isolation”.

Before deciding on the theme Carers Trust spoke to young carers and young adult carers to ask them what they thought. They were very clear that they wanted this year’s Young Carers Action Day to be all about securing action to help address the isolation they experience as young and young adult carers.

They highlighted how having the right support in place – such as regular short breaks from caring - can be really beneficial, giving them a better chance of succeeding in all parts of their lives.

Earlier this year they carried out a Young and Young Adult Carer Survey, the results of this will be shared on 16th March. To keep up to date on this and more follow @CarersTrust or visit

What is Young Carers Action Day?

Young Carers Action Day is an annual event, organised each year by Carers Trust.

It’s a day for raising public awareness of young carers and young adult carers, the pressures and challenges they face, and the incredible contribution they make by caring for their family members and friends.

It is also a day to call for more action to support young and young adult carers and give them the extra bit of help they need to live full and healthy lives.

The day attracts widespread participation and public attention. Each year Carers Trust secures widespread coverage of the day in both national and regional TV, radio and print media.

Young Carers Action Day also attracts huge social media engagement with young and young adult carers all over the UK, sharing images, messages and other content like video, blogs and art.

In the last few years #YoungCarersActionDay has trended on Twitter!


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