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Young Carers Action Day

Young Carers Action Day is taking place on Wednesday 15th March and the theme for 2023 is “Make Time for Young Carers”.

Carers Trust

Carers Trust, who organise the event, chatted with hundreds of young carers about the issues they face and one that kept coming up was just how important their health and wellbeing is to them. We know that caring for someone at home, in addition to schoolwork, homework and revision can be incredibly overwhelming, young carers need adults to make more time for them so they can get the support they need to balance their caring role with their education and training.

Young Carers have told the Carers Trust what they think would make them feel less overwhelmed, healthier and happier:

  • improved support in schools

  • more access to breaks,

  • better access to counselling support

  • and more financial support.

‘Make Time for Young Carers’ highlights two things that are really important for young carers:

  • the need for professionals and responsible adults to make more time to listen to young carers explain the challenges they face as young carers, so they can better understand the support young carers actually need.

  • Once they understand the sort of support that’s required, responsible adults then need to make time to put that support in place.

You can find out more about the campaign, and how you can get involved at

Our Young Carer project

Here at Carer Support West Cumbria we support young carers from age 5 upwards by offering:

  • A carer’s assessment

  • 1:1 Support

  • Art programmes

  • Trips out

  • Social Activities

If you know a Young Carer who would benefit from support you can refer them to us at or by calling 01900 821976.


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